Thursday, July 3, 2008

A photographic Hero

For me? That would be Ansel Adams.
I grew up with his Books of Photography on our coffee table. I'm not really sure why, neither of my parents at the time seemed all that interested in Photography. However I am greatful.
Ansel Adams was part of what inspired me to become a photographer. His works are classic, never to be forgotten. An inspiration to many besides myself.
Ansel Adams was born on February 20, 1902 and he died on April 22 1984. His first Portfolio was contracted in 1927 and it included his most famous Picture "Monolith". Mr. Adams First portfolio, with the sponsorship and promotion of Albert Bender, was a great success. Earning nearly $4,000, and he quickly began receiving commercial assignments to photograph wealthy people who had purchased his portfolio.
Ansel Adams is most well known for his pictures of massive landscapes, in black an white. His artistic eye served him well in helping him to become one of the most famous photographers known to mankind. His legend lives on in the multiple portfolios of his work that were published.


Marye said...

Dad has always loved Ansel Adams..and that book was a gift from me to him one Christmas.

Anonymous said...

I recently saw a show of Ansel Adams' work from a trip he went on to Yellowstone National Park with Georgia O'Keefe (among other people). It was a gorgeous body of work!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I meant Yosemite, not Yellowstone!!! *blush*

Erynne said...

That is so awesome. I would love to go to a show of his works!